New Circuit Breaker Business Support Packages

Following the latest Covid outbreak in Victoria and the 'Circuit Breaker Lockdown' across all of Victoria, the Victorian Government has released two new business support packages.

The details have only been released TODAY (Thursday the 3rd of June) at 4.45pm. We have already lodged one of these forms so we know what is required to process a successful grant application.

There are two new Government Grants available now:

1. Business Cost Assistance Program

  1. For Metro Businesses in Victoria - A $5,000 Grant for businesses listed in the eligible ANSZIC codes with an annual payroll of up to $10 million whether they have employees or not. Sole traders without employees are eligible. All applicants must be registered for GST on 27th of May 2021.
  2. For Regional Businesses in Victoria - A $2,500 Grant for businesses listed in the eligible ANSZIC codes with an annual payroll of up to $10 million whether they have employees or not. Sole traders without employees are eligible. All applicants must be registered for GST on 27th of May 2021.

In Summary, this grant covers the following general business classes:-

  • Non-essential retail
  • Hospitality
  • Tourism
  • Events and related services
  • Services and education
  • Health care and social assistance 

If your business is in one of these classes but was able to partially operate during restrictions you may still be eligible for the grant if you were unable to  carry your usual business activities.

For example:

  • a retail business unable to open for normal trading but changed its operation to 'click and collect'
  • a restaurant unable to have dine-in service but can operate a limited takeaway service.

For more details and examples, please click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

How To Apply for the Business Cost Assistance Program:

1. Easy Way – Let Suntax apply for the Business Support Fund on your behalf by clicking the button below. The cost to prepare this application is $220 including GST, which is fully refundable if your grant application is not successful.


2. Complete the application form yourself via Business Cost Assistance Program. Please note, that you will need to confirm that your industry code listed on the Australian Business Register matches the eligible industries for this grant. In order to confirm your industry code, you will need to link your MyGov ID to the Australian Business Register and check your businesses details.

2. Licenced Hospitality Venue Fund Payment

  1. For Metro Businesses in Victoria - A grant of $7,000 for eligible liquor licensees operating a restaurant, hotel, café, pub, bar, club, or reception centres that are registered to serve food and alcohol. All applicants must be registrered for GST on 27th of May 2021.
  2. For Regional Businesses in Victoria - A grant of $3,500 for eligible liquor licensees operating a restaurant, hotel, café, pub, bar, club, or reception centres that are registered to serve food and alcohol. All applicants must be registrered for GST on 27th of May 2021.

NOTE: This grant is larger than the 'Business Costs Assistance Grant.'  As you can only apply for one grant, you should apply for this grant first, and if it is declined, you can apply for the Business Costs Assistance Grant.

How To Apply for the Licence Hospitality Venue Grant:

To claim this licenced hospitality Venue Fund Grant, you can only use a link in an email provided by Business Victoria. These links will be sent according to your registration of your eLicence, as detailed below.

  • Eligible liquor licensees with an eLicence email address will receive an email containing their grant application link from Business Victoria from Thursday 3 June 2021.
  • Liquor licensees without an eLicence email address must set one up on their Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Liquor Portal by 20 June 2021 to receive their grant application link from Business Victoria within five business days.

Because of the requirement to apply via the link in an email, Suntax will not be able to apply on your behalf for the Licenced Hospitality Venue Fund Grant.

Almost every Victorian business was affected by these latest circuit breaker lockdowns but unfortunately the Government have only issued these funding options for the specific business Industries. 

For those of you who will not be receiving any assistance in this round of Grants, we feel your frustration.  If there is anything you think we can help you or your business with, please reach out.  We are currently working from home and can still offer virtual meetings to give you a hand.

The Suntax Team