Do I Have To Include GST On My Invoices?

You only need to register for GST with the Australian TaxationOffice (ATO) if your annual turnover/revenue exceeds $75,000 per annum (or $150,000 per annum for non-profit organisations).

Once you are registered for GST, by law you must add 10% GST to all of your tax invoices that you issue to customers.


  1. What Steps are Involved in Starting a Business?
  2. Do I Have to Register for GST?
  3. What Tax Records Do I Need to Keep for My Business
  4. What Is a Business Activity Statement?
  5. What’s the difference between an ABN and an ACN?
  6. Do I have to include GST on my Invoices?
  7. What Software do You Recommend for My Start-Up Business?
  8. How Much Tax Do I Pay?
  9. Can I claim my motor vehicle expenses?
  10. What Do I Need to Do When I Employ My First employee?
  11. What’s the most appropriate tax structure for my business?
  12. Are You Small Business Experts?
  13. How Much Do You Charge?
  14. How Do I Change Accountants?